
Academic Integrity
VTVLC views academic integrity as the foundation of education. The goal of all VTVLC classes is for students to learn new things. Plagiarism and cheating are generally used by students to avoid the work and the challenge of new learning and thus undermine the goal of education. Students may turn to plagiarism or cheating because of time constraints or pressure to do well and these struggles should be addressed directly. All students are expected to submit original work to the individual student. Any work submitted that is not original in content will be subject to disciplinary action per our Academic Integrity Matrix (see below).
Plagiarism is work copied or stolen and submitted as an authentic representation of one’s work without citing sources or crediting the original source.
Some examples include:
- Copying and pasting answers found online or in other sources for assignments and assessments
- Submitting a paper or portion of a paper taken from online or other sources
- Using quotations from another person’s work without citing the source
- Using a part of another person’s work and submitting it as your own, including paraphrasing, without citing the source
- The use of photos, graphs, drawings, facts, statistics, or other information without citing the source
- The use of artificial intelligence (AI) services to generate writing, images, or other work without appropriately attributing and citing the source
Cheating occurs when a student does not do their own work with information gathered personally.
Some examples include:
- Collaborating with another student or with artificial intelligence outside the parameters that a teacher has allowed. (If you are unclear, ask your teacher for clarification about specific examples for your class.)
- The use of an online translator for assessments and assignments, particularly in foreign language classes where the ability to translate is the skill being learned and assessed
- Using books, notes, examples, and/or internet resources to take a quiz or test unless clearly outlined as acceptable by the instructor (Instructors may conclude that leaving a quiz or exam screen during a quiz or test is evidence of cheating.)
- Allowing another person to complete work for you
- Using another person’s work or allowing another person to use your work, including paraphrasing
Plagiarism and cheating will be handled as major misconduct per the RVTC Policies, and the consequences will follow the VTVLC Academic Integrity Matrix (below).
Disciplinary actions for academic integrity are cumulative by the student, not by class or year.
VTVLC Academic Integrity Matrix
First Offense |
Accumulated Second Offense |
Accumulated Third Offense |
Learning Intervention |
Possible requirements as determined by the teacher:
Possible requirements as determined by the teacher:
Students may be removed from the course. |
Notification to Home and School Contacts |
By teacher through Genius- “Teacher Academic Integrity – First Offense” Email |
By VTVLC Administration through Genius – “Academic Integrity – Second Offense” email and a phone call. |
By VTVLC Administration through Genius – “Academic Integrity – Third Offense” email and a phone call. |
Disciplinary Action Report |
First Offense Disciplinary Action Report in Genius by the teacher, after a discussion with the VTVLC Administration |
Second Offense Disciplinary Action Report in Genius by the VTVLC Administration |
Third Offense Disciplinary Action Report in Genius by the VTVLC Administration |
Grade Impact |
The student and teacher collaborate to determine the best course of action, which may include but not limited to:
Automatic zero on the assignment, and the student does not have an option for reassessment. |
Students may be removed from the course, and the final grade is submitted to the school. |
Current Enrollment Impact |
None |
Probationary Status in that class. Additional courses are contacted. |
Removal from VTVLC class(es) in consultation with the student’s local school as applicable. |
Future Enrollment Impact |
None |
School-supported fees/enrollment continued at the school’s discretion |
School-supported fees/enrollment continued at the school’s discretion or possible denial of further VTVLC enrollments |
Withdrawal Policy
VTVLC Activity & Participation Policy (Traditional Enrollments)
Only through continuous communication, activity, and participation can students be successful in an online course. This activity is equivalent to attendance and participation in a traditional classroom environment. Within each course the instructor outlines the weekly minimum work requirements and students will abide by the following VTVLC policies:
- 7-Day Activity: If a student does not actively participate in his/her course during a seven (7) day period, the teacher will notify via email the student, counselor, parent, and VTVLC Student Success Coach. The Student Success Coach will then initiate phone call(s) to determine the problem. Active participation is indicated by the student submitting the expected number of assignment(s) as indicated by the specific course calendar or pace chart.
- 14-Day Activity: If after an additional 7 days, the student still has not actively participated in his/her course, the teacher will notify the VTVLC Principal via email. The Principal will communicate with the student, parent and counselor. These communications will clearly indicate that the student may be withdrawn from the course within a 7-day period from this communication if the student remains inactive.
- 21-Day Activity: If the student still remains inactive in the course, the teacher will again email the VTVLC Dean of Students and also the VTVLC Director. The Dean of Students and Director will make the final determination regarding the course withdrawal.
- In the event the student is withdrawn from the course, an official final grade report will be entered for the student and sent to his/her school.
VTVLC Activity & Participation Policy
- Students must progress through the course and have consistent communication with their teacher.
- Students must create a plan for completion of the course and send the instructor a pace chart.
- Students must complete Status Reports on the 1st of every month they are enrolled to remain eligible.
- Students may change their pacing during their enrollment but must complete all requirements before the course end date.
- Students who do not meet pacing or activity requirements for a period of more than four weeks or who do not submit completed Status Reports may be removed from the program due to non-participation.
Drop Policy (Traditional Enrollments Only)
During the course request process, the student agrees to the following:
I acknowledge that during the first 28 days of being activated into my VTVLC course, I may drop the course without penalty. Upon dropping a course after the first 28 days, a grade of WF will be issued. I understand that for each online course there is a minimum number of assignments that must be completed each week. Failure to submit the minimum number of assignments on a weekly basis may result in my removal from the course and may result in a failing grade being assigned to my academic transcript.
Disclaimer: Local district/local school drop policies supersede VTVLC’s drop policy. It is the responsibility of the student/parents to be informed of their local school district policies.
VTVLC Refund Policy
Refund eligibility depends on the type of enrollment. Please call our main office (802-855-8331) if you have questions regarding this refund policy.
- Traditional enrollment (Fall, Spring or Year-Round courses) – Students must drop within the 28-day drop period in order to qualify for a refund.
- On-demand enrollment (PASS and/or Open/Rolling courses) – 50% refund will be granted between if withdrawal occurs between the start date and 10 days. No refund will be granted if withdrawal occurs after 10 days.
- No refunds for parent-facilitated, home study, or course leasing after the first day of class.
Enrollment in VTVLC for Students with Disabilities (IEP/ 504)
In accordance with Federal and Vermont state regulations, students with disabilities may not be denied access to VTVLC as an educational option. VTVLC has guidelines regarding access for students with disabilities. Individual student factors are taken into consideration along with the student’s request to enroll in desired courses. All reasonable and appropriate requests for accommodations within the VTVLC online learning environment will be carefully reviewed. Request for accommodations may include access to accessible instructional materials (AIM). Students identified as having an Individual Education Plan (IEP) or having a 504 Plan, will be afforded accommodations in compliance with these guidelines and curriculum for VTVLC. Educational services may not remain at the same level as is documented on the current IEP or 504 Plan. Therefore, a virtual meeting will be held upon application and/or enrollment to VTVLC to discuss services and accommodations requested by the student.
The counselor, case manager and team from the sending school must support the student’s request to take a VTVLC course. The school-based team will verify that the course(s) meets the academic needs articulated in the student’s education plan. Similarly, any request for course content accommodations will also have to be verified by the school-based team. This process will be required for a student with a disability only requesting accommodations via an IEP or 504 plan. The VTVLC program personnel and the consulting VTVLC special education coordinator will conduct an individual review regarding each request for access or content accommodations. This review will determine if the request is reasonable, appropriate or feasible within an online learning environment. The sending school team may determine the need for additional school-based services beyond those provided in the virtual learning environment.
Depending on the nature and the extent of those additional services the VTVLC personnel, in collaboration with the sending school personnel, will determine if VTVLC is a good match for the student.
It is important to note that in general, access to course content for students with disabilities, may be further enhanced by the expectation that VTVLC courses may offer students alternatives such as: multiple means of representation so that learners have various options for acquiring information, multiple means of expression so that learners have alternative ways to show that learning has occurred, and multiple means of engagement to increase motivation and tap into students’ interests.
The following list provides samples of possible accommodations for each of these three dimensions.
Multiple Means of Representation
Content presented in video, audio, slide show
Reading materials with AIM resources (text-to-speech, highlighting, large font, etc.)
Translation for non-native speakers (ELL students)
Graphic representations such as concept maps and graphic organizers
Illustrative representations such as diagrams and simulation
Multiple Means of Expression
Alternative forms of text input: (speech-to-text, switches, touch pads, etc)
Media-based assignments (drawings, maps, diagrams, videos, etc)
Reduced text assignments (outlines, concept maps, tables, graphs, etc)
Supportive tools: spelling and grammar checkers, drawing programs, outliners
Accessible social networking options (accessible twitter etc.)
Multiple Means of Engagement
Threaded discussions
Brainstorming activities
Peer/Team inquiry projects
Online (virtual) experiments
Additional Possible Accommodation Options
Captioned video resources with transcript available.
Text transcripts for audio resources.
TTS and/or highlighting software.
Minimization of unnecessary graphics.
Alternative presentations, including graphic presentations of instructional content.
Alternative navigation tools.
Web resources evaluated specifically for accessibility.
For more information, contact:
Melissa Sargent Minor, Consulting Special Educator
Bullying and Harrassment
VTVLC students and employees shall use all equipment and programs for the intended educational purpose. VTVLC is committed to protecting its students and employees from bullying, harassment or inappropriate uses of VTVLC computers or programs to participate in bullying behavior. Bullying and harassment will not be tolerated and shall be just cause for disciplinary action.
Conduct that constitutes bullying or harassment, as defined herein, is prohibited.
Bullying, harassment, and cyber-stalking are defined as inflicting physical or psychological distress, and/or communicating words, images or language using electronic mail that causes emotional distress and for which there is no legitimate purpose.
Any action by a student, parent or employee deemed inappropriate will be fully investigated by the appropriate school administrator.
Consequences for students for actions that violate the policy on bullying and harassment shall be determined by the administrative staff of VTVLC and may include:
Student/teacher/parent conference
Suspension of email privileges
Isolation of student in a separate shell where there is no access to other students
Removal from access to VTVLC courses
Consequences for employees for actions that violate school policy on bullying and harassment shall be determined by the director and/or the superintendent. The consequences may include: verbal or written reprimand or termination of employment.
Student Expulsion Policy
If a school district has found probable cause for an expulsion but has offered the student an alternative program, Vermont Virtual Learning Cooperative may be utilized as solution for providing instruction for said students. Such requests to utilize VTVLC in this manner shall be made by the district Superintendent or his/her designee. Requests shall be made to the VTVLC Director, and approved by, the superintendent of the River Valley Technical Center.
VTVLC reserves the right to deny enrollment depending on the nature of the misconduct that resulted in the student being considered for expulsion. All placements will be made on a space available basis.
If a student has been expelled from a public school, the superintendent of the district may request that said student be enrolled in VTVLC. Only requests from the superintendent or his/her designee will be considered.
Students who have been expelled from a Vermont public school and who subsequently attempt to enroll in VTVLC as either a home study student or through enrollment in a private school program may be denied access to VTVLC.
VTVLC reserves the right to deny enrollment depending on the nature of the misconduct that resulted in the student being expelled. All placements will be made on a space available basis. All requests shall be made to the VTVLC Director and are subject to approval by, the River Valley Technical Center superintendent.
Privacy Policy
For student communication with staff/faculty using Zoom phone lines
No mobile information will be shared with third parties/affiliates for marketing/promotional purposes. All other categories exclude text messaging originator opt-in data and consent; this information will not be shared with any third parties.
Statement of Non-Discrimination
The Vermont Virtual Learning Cooperative does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, age, or disability in admission or access to, or treatment or employment in, its programs and activities. Any person having inquiries concerning the Vermont Virtual Learning Cooperative’s compliance with the regulations implementing Title VI, Title IX, Section 04 or other state or federal non-discrimination laws or regulations is directed to contact:
Ashley Newton
VTVLC Assistant Director
(802) 591-3015